Hamilton Cardinals 2025 HWCDSB School day game.

Our School Day Game is an IBL exhibition game between the Hamilton Cardinals and the London Majors on Tuesday May 6th 2025 at 11:00 am. The game will take place at historic Bernie Arbour Memorial Stadium, located at 1100 Mohawk Road E on Hamilton Mountain. The game will be played in 7 innings and is expected to have a duration of 2 hours and will be broadcast live on Cable 14.
Game Day Experience
Students will witness a live professional baseball game, enhancing students' understanding of sportsmanship, teamwork and their local community. The Intercounty Baseball League is Canada’s top league for over 100 years yet some students may have never experienced a game in the league. During the game, our in-game host will engage with students between each inning (and afterwards), asking them trivia questions, joining in on sing-a-longs and participating in some of the Cardinal game day staples. Students will have the chance to win exciting prizes, adding an extra layer of fun to the educational experience. Students will receive four tickets to a future Hamilton Cardinals home game, a baseball card, and information packets about the team.
If there is inclement weather in the forecast, the game will be postponed or canceled.
Food & Beverages
• Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles, snacks, and lunches.
• A modified concession menu with reduced-price options will be available.
Sign Up Process
Please submit the form below by Thursday May 1st 2025 to arrange your tickets.
Tickets: $15 per student
Schools will be required to arrange their own bus transportation
Educations and Parent Volunteers: FREE
Our corporate sponsors will provide tickets for students who may need financial assistance.
Total 3,000 capacity.
Prior to the game, we will issue you an invoice and you will be required to remit payment with a cheque, which can be turned into our staff at the day of the game.
For any questions, please call us at 905-296-1002 or email info@iblcardinals.ca.